HDKNR 2008

1. Introduction.

"HDKNR 2008"(version 4.0 R4) has delivered to you to help following subjects:
 1. Move data center to the new one because the old one was to be shutdown.
 2. Research OpenID protocol families and related digital identitiy
 3. Fix some legacy systems's bug.
 4. Consult IT governance for human complicated sytems of a friend of

Time is not unlimited. Some projects he was expected to do are stuck because
he failed to organize himself and you. He has overworked for these couple 
of years.

2. Version History.

Ver 1.0  - 1990. Task switching. Handles about only 640kbyes memory.
Ver 2.0  - 2001. Multitasking server. With some internet functionalities.
Ver 3.0  - 2004. Dive to the world. Make his own family. UI has been highly 
Ver 4.0  - 2009(current). Troubles. Bugs. Incovinience. 
                 Unsuccessfull package and patch management.
Ver 5.0  2010(plan). Implemented advanced functionalities. 

3. Troubles.

Some server systems were successfully moved to the new data center.But 
some of them were quite unstable after moving. He worked to fix them 
untilthe end of summer in every couple of days. That highly exhausted 
him and you.
He tried nothing new and have to continue to fix old troubles. 
He was expected to close all the troublesome things.

4. For next version.

He has to improve himself from his experiences and is going to be 
delivered in the year of 2010 as a new version of HDKNR Ver 5.0
( code name "Jelliclecat").
Following are subjects which he thinking of to improve himself.

4.1. No business,more technologistic.

He should work under 80% of his workforce. Don't promise too much.
He'd better to think of his friends' business other than his own one.
Should try to keep himself pure technologists in daily life.

4.2. Not slave to work or business.

He should be prudent in working too much. Keep away from much stressfull 
Free from imcome target and keek his life simpler as possible as he can.

4.3. Excercise to move people.

Look for his own hospitalitiy and how to move people and provide possitive

4.4. Be wise.

Should found some wise way of living his life in traditional Japanese way.
And should study some religous knowledge and practice to free from 
frictions and streesses. He needs some meta framework on which he would 
play his role in his societies.

5. Acknowlegements.

Thanks to =nat and other old friends.
Thanks to patient old customers for supporting in spite of incoveniences.
Thanks to Rico and Rio for supporting him without any conditions.